We have four flexible models of engagement:

A Cup of Tea
We famously named Canary in Blue Bottle Coffee in San Francisco. Adam Sager CEO of Canary said: "Marc is a visionary. Anyone who has met him knows exactly what I am talking about. The ability to distill complicated thought to its core is a rare talent. A conversation over coffee with Marc could change the course of your company. Engaging him is transformative." This can be an informal meeting or more structured monthly or weekly sessions. Schedule

Facilitating Work-Sessions or Off-Sites.
Using the tools distilled from our proprietary Brand Pattern Process, we lead one-to-two-day team sessions on a variety of subjects including Product to Market Fit, Positioning, Brand Architecture, Messaging, Customer Engagement, Customer Journey Mapping, Product Benefits, Brand Attributes, Key Data Points, Cross Department Road-Mapping, Audience Segmentation, Product Naming, Naming Taxonomy and Nomenclature.

Asaf Sadowsky CEO of SpiceBox Labs said: "Marc helped us consider the industry’s future and articulate our value proposition in new ways that are attuned to what our customers are looking for. We experienced an immediate positive impact on our marketing efforts, reflected through conversations with prospective customers that turned into paying customers shortly after."

We have facilitated Work -Sessions for some of the World’s most prestigious brands including Lego, eBay, Discovery, Microsoft, LuckyBrand, and Restoration Hardware, and some of the most cutting-edge startups like GoPro, Molecule, Canary, Neura, and Matternet. Schedule

Engaging in a Project Sprint
Our Project Sprints can range from 1 to 6 weeks, they can be scheduled consecutively, organized to break for Testing & Research, or be structured as a traditional project engagement with a start date and end date. We will employ a core team dedicated to just your project. This creates the greatest focus and correct conditions to build a brain trust between client and consultant teams. Because our model provides flexibility we're able to scale or descale a team depending on project needs. We're happy to work onsite, adjacent offsite (building a space), virtually, or a mix of all three. We ran Project Sprints with eBay, Discovery, and Adobe which ranged from Research to Product Visioning and Brand Identity. Schedule

Embedding on an ongoing retainer
Unlike the conventional understanding of a retainer, the Chief Creative Office prefers to engage in micro-retainers with clients. These small-fee micro-retainers allow us to stay involved with the changing nature of the problem. Having both an Objective and Subjective View has proven invaluable in helping our clients respond to market developments and anticipate change. We have ongoing retainers with Neura. Schedule